Thursday, May 28, 2009

Beautiful Day!!

African Mailman Nina SimoneBlack Is Fertile GroundNever Broken Cassandra WilsonSkyLark Gretchen ParlatoRemember to Forget Alice RussellGreen Eyes Erykah BaduRunning for Nothing Lady AlmaCan't Steal My Joy Steal VybeI've Got It LedisiFlor de Lis Gretchen ParlatoBreakthrough ...

May 28, 2009 - GrapeVine

Sophie's Parlor WPFW 89.3 FMGrapevine This is the grapevine, a collection of what is happening in the Washington DC area and beyond. The summer is here and it is time to get out and enjoy the beautiful days ahead. Support the arts and be active in your community, because only you can make it betterThursday, May 28, 2009Momia en la Closet The Return of Eva Peron at the GALA Theatre showing Thur – Sat at 8pm and Sun at 3pm now thru June 28th For tickets call 202 234 7174 or 800 494 8497 or check the web at www.galatheatre.orgSaturday, May 30, 2009Project Metamorphosis will be presented at the Art of Living Center located at 2401 15th St NW from 2-4pm. Project Metamorphosis is the final presentation from the CentroNia Saturday Girls Arts Academy and will feature members from the 2008 DC Slam...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Spring Pledge Drive - Helen and Andrea!

We welcome you to join us today on 89.3 FM or We will be playing a variety of music from the great pledge gifts available by calling in to the station. Helen will be interviewing Heather Rigdon after 2 PM. We'll be sharing her music with you during the show.Don't forget - call and pledge 1-3 PM today...

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