Thursday, July 16, 2009

Helen's Healing Show July 16, 2009

Today's Sophie's Parlor show can be heard online at and on the DC airwaves at 89.3 FM. I hope you'll listen in and comment on our blog!I'm one of the faceless millions who has suffered with the flu in the last few weeks. Was it H1N1? We'll never know! How did I heal? What suggestions can I glean from my favorite women artists to help me continue healing? Listen to today's show - 1-3 PM - to find out!A Change Is Gonna Come 5:20 Anat Cohen Notes from the VillageI've Still Got My Health 1:31 Bette Midler Jackpot - The Best BetteWalking Code Blue 7:13 Carmen Lundy Come HomeFeelin' Good 4:36 Carmen McRae Women Talk (Remastered)I've Got That Thing 2:56 Catherine Russell Sentimental StreakBad Spirits (Bani) 5:48 Dee Dee Bridgewater Red Earth - A Malian JourneyWhat a Difference a Day Makes...

Monday, July 6, 2009


Andrea-Diva of the DayThursday July 3, 2009 On today, the precursor of Independence Day weekend, I want to take us all on a journey of freedom. What is it, what does it mean, what does Free music mean to us all. Are you FREE? At what cost? And for how long? (playlist forthcoming, sor...

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