Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Music We Paint With

The colors we use to paint ourselves and our lives lie between the lyrics of the music we listen to, the dances we dance, love we have... all of which move us forward even at times hold us back. Today let't listen to some of the music we paint with. 1. Bye Bye Blues 6:59 Dinah Washington After Hours with Miss D [Bonus Tracks] 2. Sugar/Brown Sugar 4:43 Ledisi Feeling Orange But Sometimes Blue 3. Black Is 7:21 Fertile Ground Black Is 4. Can't Steal My Joy 6:08 Steal Vybe Featuring Stephanie Renee 5. El Negro Bembon 3:45 Celia Cruz Rough Guide...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Rhythm of a Woman

The first sound we hear is the pulse of our mother's blood, and drumming is the musical expression of this primal truth.Welcome to today’s Sophie’s Parlor show with Diva of the Day Helen Viksnins!I am especially jazzed to be talking to Annette Aguilar on today’s show.Sophie's Theme 3:11 Pam Parker ImagineIndestructible Annette Aguilar 5:35 Chachimurenga 4:49 Stella Chiweshe Talking Mbira47th St. Jive (R. Sykes) 3:18 Mary Lou Williams Mary Lou Williams StoryHo Jamaalo 2:13 Abida Parveen Songs of the MysticsImprov Time! - Rhythm Slam! 1:12 Sweet Honey In the Rock Still the Same MeBeandip 2:04 Annette A. Aguilar & StringBeans No Cheap DatesIf That's True 7:33 Esperanza Spalding EsperanzaThe Whirler 4:44 Layne Redmond...

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