Sunday, September 26, 2010

Virgo Punch - Diva of the Day Kimberly C. Gaines

Have you ever gone to a juice bar and asked for an added boost of Vitamin C or maybe a shot of wheat grass? Well September 23rd's show gave you a Virgo Punch, that is just enough Virgo stirred in to make the show funky! Check below for the playlist! Track Artist Album Virgo Me'Shell Ndegéocello The World Has Made Me the Man of My Dreams On The Bound Fiona Apple When The Pawn... Two Doors Down Me'Shell Ndegéocello Just Because I'm A Woman: The Songs Of Dolly Parton Dog Coffee Ani DiFranco Ani DiFranco California Soul Remix Music Video (diplo) Marlena Shaw *Remix* Four Women Nina Simone Anthology [Disc 1]...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's Only Water by Andrea the Diva of the Day

September 16, 2010 ShowWell, well, well, as we tip into Autumn I thought it would be befitting to think about, it is only water, that surrounds, supplies, deluges, and relaxes us. Below are songs that should make you think of the three states of water as well as the emotions that come along with each facet of water. Take in mind during the show some songs may appear in a different order.Be replenished, be cleansed, be bathed, be cooled by, WATER!!!!!Sophie's Theme 3:12 Pam Parker Imagine Flow 4:34 Sade Lovers Rock Aquarium 4:43 Me'Shell Ndegéocello Meshell Ndegeocello Presents - The Spirit Music Jamia: Dance of The Infidel Dirty Water 4:45 Shameika Copeland One More River To...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What I Learned this Summer

Remember how when you were a kid and went back to school in September? The teacher would always ask - what did you do this summer? As a professional development specialist, my important question to ask is - what did I learn this summer?So, join me with some of your favorite women performers, and meet a couple of new ones! I'll be interviewing Susan Faucon aboutKiller Stilts Productions presents: Voices from the Heart's of YouthFriday September 10 - 7:30PMSeekers Church276 Carroll Street NWTakoma Park, DC 20012$15 Tickets at the door ($10 for kids under 12)FeaturingMargot MacDonald - Singer/SongwriterIMPACT Dance - Youth Dance CompanyCora Boyd - Singer/SongwriterAmina Ahmad - Artisan ExhibitDiana Ash - Mistress of Ceremony Later in the program...

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