Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dig Out, Relax or Throw Snow Balls!

So... last night the power was out... people were stuck in their cars and buses stopped in their tracks. Now it is either time to dig out, relax... or for some throw snowballs. Whatever you did hopefully this show was your motivation to do it. I enjoyed being your Diva of the day... Kimberly C. Gaines until next time. Tchau Oh and here is the playlist... Track Artist Album Hit Me with your Best Shot Pat Benatar Back to Back Hits Clean Up Woman Leela James Let’s Do It Again I Need Your Lovin Teena Marie Greatest Hits Sun Moon Child Imani Uzuri Her Holy Water: A Black Girl’s Rock Opera Live In the Light Fertile Ground Black Is… ...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

She is protest, world warriors in progress

In honor of the birthday of Dr. King and Patrice Lumumba who was assassinated this week, I wanted to showcase sisters, worldwide, lifting their voices and their instruments in protest.Some of these sisters are ones we know, some are ones we don't, but all are the epitome of dreams, hopes, and aspirations for humanity. I hope you all enjoy this amazing journey this beautiful afternoon.Thank you to all the folks who called this afternoon giving me kudos, praising the music and women you heard, or generally showing support. Special shout out to Mabet of Habesha Market and Kat Okedeyi of LSP.Diva of the Day, AndreaSophie's Theme 3:12 Pam Parker Imagine Talking About a Revolution 2:42 Tracy ChapmanJailer 4:08 Asa (Asha)...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Helen's Winter Show

It's the dead of winter; not much snow yet here in Washington, DC, but some flurries predicted for tonight. In this season, I am drawn to songs of snow and the meaning of winter. Going deep within, but making sure to intersperse songs of joy and glory.Here's who we'll be hearing!I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm, Billie Holiday, Lady Sings the Blues - The Billie Holiday Story, Vol. 4Happy New Year, Carmen Lundy, Jazz and the New Songbook: Live At the Madrid (Live, Bonus Tracks)South to a Warmer Place, Catherine Russell, Sentimental StreakMistletoe, Colbie Caillat, Mistletoe - SingleWhat Are You Doing New Year's Eve?, Diana Krall & The Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra, Christmas Songs (Bonus Track Version)Give Me the Night, Elana Stone, In...

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