Friday, March 25, 2011

Change: Freedom, Peace and Healing

Greetings! This is your Diva of the Day for Thursday, March 24th, Kimberly C. Gaines. Today's show focused on the idea that we can change the world. It is evident from the events that are taking place. The world is on fire with the change we chanted for just two years ago. Sometimes what we ask for doesn't come how we expect it to though. The old adage be careful what you ask for comes to mind.  So in this the fourth week of Women's Herstory Month I challenge all of us to listen to the clamoring around us of a world in flux and funnel it into ourselves to create solutions, new beginnings and hope for a greater tomorrow. This playlist touches on understanding freedom, finding peace and allowing the healing process to take place. Hope...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

International Sweethearts of Rhythm in the DC area!

GREAT Free Jazz & Women’s History Month event as part of Smithsonian’s JAM on Weds, March 30 at Artisphere. A pioneering all-female, interracial big band enjoyed world-acclaim in the 1940s, and had significant local ties to Arlington and DC. “A Women in Jazz Tribute to the International Sweethearts of Rhythm” features several surviving original band members in a panel discussion at Artisphere on Wednesday, March 30, followed by a swing dance featuring the all-female Leigh Pilzer/Jen Krupa Quintet. This event is FREE and open to the public. A detailed press release is attached. Broadcasting entrepreneur Cathy Hughes (Radio One), a descendant of one of the Sweethearts members, will lead a panel discussion called “Jazz and Civil Rights,”...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Women's History Month Programming at WPFW

Thanks to the programmers at WPFW for highlighting the amazing work of women this month!The Tuesday Edition of Midday Jazz will feature interviews and live on-air performances by women showcased in the Inaugural Washington Women in Jazz Festival. :-)-Keanna FairclothMonday March 14: guest Leith Mullings, author of "Resistance & Resillence: The Sojourner Syndrome", interviewed by Judith Maye Monday March 21, Special on the 100th Commemoration of the Triangle Shirt Waist Fire, with guests Clayola Brown (union leader, President of the A. Philip Randolph Institute, organizer with UNITE HEREand Joyce Miller, founding member of CLUW (Coaltion of Labor Union Women), first woman elected to serve on the AFL-CIO Executive Committee, International Union, inductee into the HistoryMakers African...

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