Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Impromptu Love Show with Diva Kimberly C. Gaines

It just so happens that on this rather WARM day in May (understatement) the theme in the Parlor is Love. Spirit guided this playlist. Just in a loving mood I guess. So glad you can't see me bouncing in the studio chair to all the music that has been played on this show. Special THANK YOU to Pam Parker for blessing the Parlor with her presence today. Be sure to check her out at the Strathmore Mansion' "Art After Hours" Series 10701 Rockville Pk., Bethesday, MD on Wednesday, June 1 at 7:30pm Also, check out her latest CD the Lemonade Project. We love Pam and think you should too!! Here is the playlist! Support independent artists by buying their music and attending their shows. They are apart of the soundtrack of your life! TimeArtistSong TitleAlbumLabel 1:07:45Carlitta DurandicarliNostalgic...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Final Night of 2011 Mary Lou Williams Women in Jazz Festival

Last night I (Helen) was joined by Diva Lakeisha at the show. We were both so happy to be at a performance where women and jazz were emphasized!Our first performer was Corky Hale with a trio of valiant musicians. Corky is like your favorite great-aunt who tells too many stories and then sits down at the piano to belt out a few songs, only she also played harp! Looking at her website, I see that her stock-in-trade is "An Evening with Corky Hale;" it seems like we saw a greatly abbreviated version of that last night. Tell a few stories, play a little, tell some more stories, play some more.Here's a video of Corky playing the harp with Tony Bennett on the Tonight Show.The next performers were pianist Peggy Stern and "Sweet" Sue Terry on the clarinet and sax. Both performers are virtuosos and...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Night Two of the Mary Lou Williams Women in Jazz Festival

Two Sophie's Divas, Andrea Thompson and Helen Viksnins, share their impressions from the second night of the 2011 Mary Lou Williams Women in Jazz Festival, a tribute to Abbey Lincoln, at the Kennedy Center.Andrea: The Abbey Lincoln tribute can not truly be summed up in one word, one sentence, even one article, but I do know this, if you missed this, you MISSED IT!!!!Helen: And we know you missed it, because again we didn't see you there! (Warning: I have nothing but great things to say about last night's performance, so beware of gushings!)Andrea: Jazz vocalists Dee Dee Bridgewater, Dianne Reeves, and Cassandra Wilson teamed up for a trinity of talent that was only heightened by drumming sensation and Music Director Teri Lynn Carrington.Helen: I'm in love with these women who are...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Night One of the Mary Lou Williams Women in Jazz Festival

If you weren't at last night's Mary Lou Williams Women in Jazz Festival (Thursday, May 19), I'll let you know what you missed! Actually, I know you weren't there, because I didn't see you there.The evening began with a moment of silence for the late Billy Taylor who was the founder of the festival in 1996. His big glasses and big grin were always such a beautiful thing to see each year. He was truly missed.Overall, the evening went from cool to HOT! Mistress of ceremonies was Dee Dee Bridgewater. The evening was being taped for her Jazz Set with Dee Dee Bridgewater on NPR. Too bad it wasn't being taped for Sophie's Parlor! I noted to my friend Susan that I had personally interviewed six of last year's performers for my show. So far I haven't...

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