It just so happens that on this rather WARM day in May (understatement) the theme in the Parlor is Love. Spirit guided this playlist. Just in a loving mood I guess. So glad you can't see me bouncing in the studio chair to all the music that has been played on this show.
Special THANK YOU to Pam Parker for blessing the Parlor with her presence today. Be sure to check her out at the Strathmore Mansion' "Art After Hours" Series 10701 Rockville Pk., Bethesday, MD on Wednesday, June 1 at 7:30pm Also, check out her latest CD the Lemonade Project. We love Pam and think you should too!!
Here is the playlist! Support independent artists by buying their music and attending their shows. They are apart of the soundtrack of your life!
TimeArtistSong TitleAlbumLabel
1:07:45Carlitta DurandicarliNostalgic...