Thursday, August 25, 2011

MLK: Legacy, Blessings and Reflection

A couple of years ago myself and and events promoter in the DC area created a magazine called MUSINGS. The first issue centered around Legacy... What will you leave your descendants once you transitioned from this earth? We posed the question because some of our peers hadn't given extensive thought about what their mark would be on the world. The response ranged from finances to green and livable communities. This week the long overdue monument for Martin Luther King Jr. will be unveiled, a champion for peace. This week I have really reexamined the Legacy I will leave. It is growing and changing daily but for sure it is in the works. Special thank you to Charneice Fox Richardson for joining us in the parlor to discuss The MLK Streets...

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Past & the Present are for the Future

Thursday August 18th, 2011 Recently I was fortunate enough to visit and fellowship with some family members who have been separated from my family for most of our lives. I was totally awe struck by the similarities, like-mindedness, and sheer love this part of the family gave to me and got from me. So, back home I decided to dedicate this show to knowing the past and present in order to move ahead towards a bright future. With this show I reached out to a community mental health professional, Tracy Stubblefield, LICSW to help provide some perspective on what are some of the journeys we can take when we are addressing our pasts, presents, and futures. I thank her for her time, her honesty, and her willingness to share with our audience...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

August 11, 2011 Show

The Balance Show Today I hope to express through music, just what it takes to achieve the well deserved balance our lives need. Now as people we should strive for balance so our song journey will help us see women needing, finding, loosing, maintaining or questioning the balance in their lives and the lives or the world around them. Thanks for taking the journey with me today. Below is the playlist for the show today. Please got our and support these women and their musical efforts. Andrea, Diva of the Day Artist Song Title Album Label 1:07:08 Pam Parker Sophie's Theme Imagine Pam Parker 65 1:10:14 Abbey Lincoln Wholly Earth Wholly Earth 67 1:17:06 Sara Tavares Balance Balance 65 1:22:00 Alice...

Monday, August 8, 2011

Articulation Summer

July 14, 2011 ShowWith the heat just upon us I thought it would be appropriate for us to explore just how Summer is spelled out, that's right S-U-M-M-E-R. The songs heard today on Sophie's Parlor will begin with one of those letters in show I like to call Articulation Summer. Meaning just what does it take for a women to be in a summertime frame of mind. Looking forward to your calls,Andrea, Diva of the DayTime Artist Album Label 1:07:31 Pam Parker Imagine Pam Parker 76 1:11:35 Dakota Staton The Late Late Show Collectables 76 1:13:55 Joan Armatrading Into The Blues 429 Records 78 1:19:15 Carla Cook All About Love MAXJAZZ 79 1:23:55 Angelique Kidjo Keep On Moving-The Best of Angelique Kidjo Sony...

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