Friday, September 9, 2011

The Cover Up - Sep. 8, 2011

This show will explore the land of musical versions, covers and remakes. These covers will be done by a host of women in different languages and with different instruments. Some of the covers will be well known, some will be standards in any person's music library, and hopefully some will be brand new music.We also will be interviewing 19 year old musical phenom Grace Kelly Be sure to listen in today and see what covers you know about and the ones you don't know. Remember the show is available to listen after the show online at just scroll down to the Mid Day Jazz Thursday 1-3pm and hit play.Andrea, Diva of the Day Artist Song Title Album Pam Parker Mo' Horizons Hit the Road Jack Cover the World Sarah Vaughan September...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Beginnings - September 1!

Today's theme was New Beginnings - both the first day of school (September 1) and some new music, most notably Terri Lyne Carrington's Mosaic Project. The coolest thing was ending the two hours perfectly! To listen to the show, visit here: Time Artist Song Title Album Label 1:06:30 Pam Parker Sophie's Theme Imagine Pam Parker 1:09:31 Terri Lyne Carrington Magic and Music The Mosaic Project Concord Jazz 1:14:24 Tia Fuller Decisive Steps Decisive Steps Mack Avenue 1:20:31 Natalia Zukerman Come Undone Gas Station Roses Weasel Records 1:27:49 Sweet Honey in the Rock Breaths Breaths Rounder 1:31:56 Jill Barber Daydreamin' Mischevious Moon PID 1:36:05 Youn Sun Nah My Favorite...

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