Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sophie's Parlor Politics - 40 Years of Women In Radio

Join Sophie's Parlor Women's Radio Collective in conjunction with the Howard University School of Communication's Radio, Television, and Film Department for a celebration of 40 years of Sophie's Parlor and all of her Divas through the years. This event is Free and Open to the Public for reservations and more event information, please click here Please be sure to keep up with us via social media see below to always stay in contact and please don't hesitate to contact us. Email - (email us) Facebook - Sophie's Parlor Fan Page (like us) Twitter -  @sophiesparlor (follow us) Listen in to Sophie's Parlor each and every Thursday on from 1-3pm.  Remember Sophie's...

March 1, 2012 Show, Bearden, sitting conjure figure  She, Her, Lady, Woman by Andrea, Diva of the Day Join Diva of the Day Andrea on the magical ride she helped listeners brew up during this show.  In honor of Women's Herstory Month and the coming International Women's History Day, Andrea produced a stellar show that found jewels from throughout the world of music made by women that had as part of the title either of the following words She, Her, Lady, or Woman.  As we know women are these words and so much more. Take a look at the playlist below to see who was played, which artists you want to support and why Sophie's Parlor is the place to be on Thursdays from 1-3pm on Keep listening this month Sophie's...

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