Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Art in Motion: Mickalene Thomas

Visual Art is my home. I enjoy looking at bright colors, the evidence of texture and the visual story of an artist through their work. Mickalene Thomas is an artist whose color and texture takes you on a resplendent journey and an intricate and intimate view of African American womanhood.  In the exhibition 30 Americans at the Corcoran Gallery of Art; I discovered a number of pieces from Ms. Thomas, who happens to share my hometown, Camden, New Jersey. The city of Camden is not in peak condition currently but it can lay claim to a many a creative soul and Mickalene Thomas is one of them. Thomas' work is informed by the study of art history, landscapes, portraiture and such classic artists as Manet, Matisse and Bearden. She incorporates acrylic, rhinestones, enamel and Swarkofski...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Winter, Women & Wellness

Karen Culpepper, Herbalist As a woman who is always on her own journey for wholistic health, Diva of the Day, Andrea Thompson (AT) recently sat down with Herbalist and Massage Therapist Karen Culpepper (KC) for a chat on Women's Health and how to treat ourselves during this time of winter. What you see below is a result of it, please enjoy, comment, post and retweet it.   Do you feel more women are moving away from traditionally allopathic medicine? If so why? (AT) (KC)-As an herbalist with a concentration in women’s health, my answer is a biased yes...slowly but surely.  The awareness that the our current medical system is falling apart is becoming more apparent. I chose a field (or did the field choose me) that...

Thursday, January 17, 2013

In the Parlor with Literature, Poetry & Prose: Adrienne Rich

Over the years, I had the privilege of meeting and hearing the poet Adrienne Rich. Her work was and is very important to me. So when she died last year, like many others, I felt that her death was a personal loss. She was a writer of tremendous integrity. For those of you who don’t know Rich’s work, she was an outspoken artist who championed the equality for all people. More than that, she was equal in her opposition to the ways in which American political culture devalued the citizens of this country while carrying on policies that imperiled people around the globe. In turning down the National Medal of the Arts from President Bill Clinton, she said that art was “incompatible with the cynical politics of this Administration.” She went...

Forty Years Later - Are We Taking Care of Ourselves?

Chris Williamson - pioneer in women's music In 1972 when Sophie's Parlor launched its groundbreaking presence in radio, the second wave of feminism was in full flower. Women were working towards the goals of equal pay, equal roles and fair rights in family life, and reproductive rights, to name a few. Nearly half of all mothers were stay-at-home moms and didn't have the educational experience to obtain professional occupations.  Today, many of the goals of the feminist movement have been achieved (although their defense still continues!). However, it's no secret that stress has become a factor in the lives of everyone, and as the above studies show, especially in the lives of women. A recent study shows that stress about balancing...

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year: Under Construction

Happy New Year, welcome to 2013! We trust you had a safe and exciting opening to yet another beautiful year to exist on this planet! In this New Year Sophie's Parlor is undergoing renovations. Please bear with us while we rearrange, paint, polish and expand. There is much more to come and we are looking forward to having you over soon to see our new digs. The current look is just a curtain to what is moving and shaking on the insi...

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