Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Color of Summer-Andrea, Diva of the Day (JUNE 18th SHOW)

Today Sophie's Diva Andrea has been preparing us to explore the kind of summer we will color with her show The Color of Summer. All music played will have color somewhere in title. Whether it be English, Portuguese, Spanish, or just Jazz, Andrea has collected a wonderfully varied palette of hues for you today.Disk One The Color of SummerSummertime Sophies 6-21-06 2:12 Dakota Staton Deep Blue Sea I Got Shoes 3:41 Sweet Honey In The Rock Tea And Watercolors At Sea 7:42 Ingrid Jensen Orange Moon Mama's Gun 7:10 Erykah Badu Little White Lies The Ella Fitzgerald Songbook (Disc 2) 2:57 Ella Fitzgerald The Merry Golden Tree Ballads from Her Appalachian Family Tradition 2:12 Jean Ritchie Blue Nile Translinear Light 8:05 ...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Music is my Native Tongue

Greetings ,Thanks for tuning into Sophie's Parlor on wpfwBeing surrounded by a number of different languages this week and last has lead me to this selection. I hope you enjoy it. My ears are beginning to get use to listening in a different way. Please listen with me.Flor De Lis|6:30|Gretchen Parlato| Gretchen Parlato Mas Que Nada|3:17|Miriam Makeba| Reflections Iyagaduza|6:24|Miriam Makeba| Reflections Wonderful You|2:48|Audra McDonald| Eva Ayllon|3:25|Eva Ayllon| SkyLark|4:23|Gretchen Parlato| Gretchen Parlato Hindsight|4:30|Beady Belle| Cewbeagappic Gracias A La Vida|5:50|Malena Perez| Stars Perfect Season|4:37|Break Reform| Fracture_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+GRAPE VINE MUSIC TODAY... Isis and Osiris [Live]|11:30|Alice Coltrane| Journey to...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The 14th Annual Mary Lou Williams Women in Jazz Festival

Today’s show is going to focus on the women who performed in this year’s Mary Lou Williams Women in Jazz Festival which took place May 14-16 at the Kennedy Center. I was fortunate to attend all three nights! My goal for 2010 is to convince everyone I know to go to this incredible festival. I was so impressed by each of the performers, their creativity and innovation, their mastery of their instruments, the collaboration with the other artists performing with them. Each deserved and got a standing ovation!Mary Lou Williams was one of the founders of jazz. In reading her biography, I see her spirit in the performers of this year’s program. Their creations lead the groups of musicians with whom they perform; they are the leaders. According to her biographer, Tammy Kernodle, Mary Lou Williams’...

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