Wednesday, October 20, 2010

When all else fails, MOVE! Andrea, Your Diva of the Day

Thank you to all of our supporters of the station and here in Sophie's Parlor. Today I thought I would take some good wisdom and pass it along, when all else is not aligned, just MOVE!!! Any which way you can.The selections below are verbal prescriptions for life, use them, follow them, debate them, remember them, laugh at them, smirk at them, whatever you do, act and now. Oh, before I forget move, like the moon has which should be full by the time we share time together in the parlor, Sophie's Parlor.As always this listing is what will be played, maybe not in this order, plus be ready for surprises, they always happen while we are in the parlor! Your comments below this blog post is always appreciated.--DreaSophie's Theme 3:12 Pam...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

WPFW, the home of Sophie's Parlor (the oldest continuous women's radio program), is in dire straits financially.The pledge drive I will be pitching for tomorrow 1-3 PM (Eastern) is critical for the basic survival of the station. This is a station that truly lives only through the donations of the public and its members. We won't be offering special thank you gifts tomorrow; the station can't afford to give them out!I will be playing some of my most popular tunes tomorrow, and will be joined by Andrea who will also bring her best faves. Please make the Sophie's Parlor Divas proud by calling 202-588-9739, 1-800-222-9739, or donate online between 1-3 PM!Stay in touch with us through our Facebook Fan pa...

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