Thursday, December 29, 2011

Best of 2011 by Sophie's Divas Andrea & Kimberly

Today Sophie's Divas Andrea and Kimberly took you all on a magical journey through the year in song.  We played music from the collective's Best of 2011.  Selections were from Andrea, Kimberly, and Helen. We at Sophie's Parlor wish all of you the best in 2012 and we are excited about the beautiful music we have yet to play.  You can always play this show in the Archived Shows section of  Please be sure to keep up with us via social media see below to always stay in contact and please don't hesitate to contact us. Email - (email us) Facebook - Sophie's Parlor Fan Page (like us) Twitter -  @sophiesparlor (follow us) Please be sure to pass along women you may know who are doing...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tis the Season with Diva Kimberly C. Gaines

... Joy, love, generosity, respect, happiness, caring... there are  certainly more words to describe the season and New Year. Let's continue to add them to the list! The holiday hustle and bustle have worn me thin. The spirit in the season is missing. Normally, this is the time of year where the energy of giving is magnified but it is just the opposite. The giving of gifts does not constitute the "holiday spirit". I hope this show was a reminder of those values that are more beneficial for our society. Rekindle the true spirit of giving! Hope you enjoyed the tunes... Support independent and local artists! 1:07:22Nina SimoneSeeline WomanAnthology [Disc1}66 1:09:49Esperanza SpaldingWinter SunChamber Music Society61 1:17:15Carmen...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Call for Proposals

"Sophie’s Parlor Politics: 40 Years of Women in Radio"A conference sponsored by the women of Sophie’s ParlorSaturday - March 10, 2012Sophie's Parlor Women's Radio Collective will be presenting special programming to honor the Fortieth Anniversary of the collective. We are planning to celebrate Women's History Month by hosting a weekend of music and dialogue featuring local artists, music experts, and female radio programmers. This event is in honor of International Women's Day (March 8th), Women's History Month (March), Sophie’s founders and alumnae, and female musicians, artists, and activists who have collaborated with Sophie’s over the years.Sophie’s Parlor is the oldest continuously running women’s music radio collective in the United States. Founded in 1972 at Georgetown University,...

Friday, December 9, 2011

"The Best for Last" Andrea,  Diva of the Day   For my last show of year as your Diva of the Day I thought I would bring you some of my favorite women that I have played this year,  some new voices & sounds I think you will enjoy and a great interview with an amazing rising vocal star. Today in the parlor, on this brisk winter's day, we celebrated "The Best for Last" cause this is what I feel like I have saved for us all.  Joining me in the parlor was the soulful, the sensational, the allegory speaking Jimetta Rose Smith.  She spoke of her philosophies on music, on the artistry of it all, and the fusion of Ella, Billie and Sarah.   Check out what Jimetta had to say and what music was...

Friday, November 11, 2011

Grammy - Nominees and Recipients
(Helen, November 10, 2011)

I selected my music from those who have been nominated and/or received Grammys for their recordings, with a special nod to those in the Native American (First Nations) category as it's Native American Heritage Month! If you want to listen to the show, visit the archives and look for this: Mid Day Jazz Thursday, November 10, 2011 12:00 pm1:59:31 13 Play I spoke to Maimouna Youssef about her Grammy nomination a few years ago and about what she's up to now. You can hear three cuts from her latest oevre, The Blooming! Here's what I played: !--table {mso-displayed-decimal-separator:"\."; mso-displayed-thousand-separator:"\,";} td {padding-top:1px; padding-right:1px; padding-left:1px; mso-ignore:padding; color:windowtext; ...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Native American History Month

Native TonugesNov. 3, 2011 This month that is for celebrating Native American/American Indian culture should be a celebration for all of us for these cultures and these peoples are an integral part of how and why we have these modern lives of ours.Today on Sophie's Parlor I have merely brought together women throughout the Americas singing their songs, playing their instruments, and telling their stories.Hopefully you gained some insight. Learned a new thing. And most importantly are now more aware of these women, their cultures, and the grave importance of its impact on us all.Want to again thank the dynamic duo Irka Mateo and Julia Keefe for coming through the Parlor this afternoon. They both gave great information and a few laughs as...

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dreams really do come true...

Today I sat in the parlor on behalf of Kimberly our Fourth Thursday's Diva of the Day. I thought that it would be great to provide some time for us to reflect on our "Dreams"-what are they, where are we in fulfilling them, are we getting our own way, and are we even giving ourselves room to dream.As a part of this show today we interviewed vocalist, songwriter, and storyteller Ayanna Gregory who's latest release NOW is out now. Thank you Ayanna for stopping and sitting in the parlor with us even if it was just for a few on Thursday. be sure to check out the artists on the playlist below, these are fierce musicians who dared to dream and are living out their dreams each and every moment of their lives. Are...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Choose Life...right NOW!

Recent events in my life have made me understand & value this life that I live everyday. I am hoping to share with you, through music this afternoon, what it means to choose LIFE. No matter our daily circumstances, everyday is a new lease on that life that we purposely live. I ask you to take this musical journey with me today and evaluate, expand and ultimately appreciate the life you have, the life you lead today and the life you will choose for yourself tomorrow.As always comments (on the blog), calls to the studio (202-588-0839), or tweets are always appreciated (@sophiesparlor 0r @dreaofwaters). I would love to hear from you all this afternoon, I really hope this show heals you, me, and all of us today!The playlist will be posted...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Helen Celebrates Her Fiftieth on the Air!

It was my joy and honor to share my favorite songs of the past few years. If you missed the show, please listen here: Select Mid-Day Jazz, October 6, 1:00 PM. My show starts at around 1:07 PM.   Artist Song Title Album Label Pam Parker Sophie's Theme Imagine Pam Parker Rosemary & Betty Clooney Sisters Mothers & Daughters Concord Records Valerie June Rain Dance Mountain of Rose Quartz Pre-release Sarah Vaughan Lullaby of Birdland Verve Jazz Masters Polygram Records Mindi Abair Change Stars Peak Records Freshlyground Fire is Low Radio Africa Freeground/Sony BMG Africa Terri Lyne Carrington Unconditional Love The Mosaic Project Concord Jazz Miriam...

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Cover Up - Sep. 8, 2011

This show will explore the land of musical versions, covers and remakes. These covers will be done by a host of women in different languages and with different instruments. Some of the covers will be well known, some will be standards in any person's music library, and hopefully some will be brand new music.We also will be interviewing 19 year old musical phenom Grace Kelly Be sure to listen in today and see what covers you know about and the ones you don't know. Remember the show is available to listen after the show online at just scroll down to the Mid Day Jazz Thursday 1-3pm and hit play.Andrea, Diva of the Day Artist Song Title Album Pam Parker Mo' Horizons Hit the Road Jack Cover the World Sarah Vaughan September...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Beginnings - September 1!

Today's theme was New Beginnings - both the first day of school (September 1) and some new music, most notably Terri Lyne Carrington's Mosaic Project. The coolest thing was ending the two hours perfectly! To listen to the show, visit here: Time Artist Song Title Album Label 1:06:30 Pam Parker Sophie's Theme Imagine Pam Parker 1:09:31 Terri Lyne Carrington Magic and Music The Mosaic Project Concord Jazz 1:14:24 Tia Fuller Decisive Steps Decisive Steps Mack Avenue 1:20:31 Natalia Zukerman Come Undone Gas Station Roses Weasel Records 1:27:49 Sweet Honey in the Rock Breaths Breaths Rounder 1:31:56 Jill Barber Daydreamin' Mischevious Moon PID 1:36:05 Youn Sun Nah My Favorite...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

MLK: Legacy, Blessings and Reflection

A couple of years ago myself and and events promoter in the DC area created a magazine called MUSINGS. The first issue centered around Legacy... What will you leave your descendants once you transitioned from this earth? We posed the question because some of our peers hadn't given extensive thought about what their mark would be on the world. The response ranged from finances to green and livable communities. This week the long overdue monument for Martin Luther King Jr. will be unveiled, a champion for peace. This week I have really reexamined the Legacy I will leave. It is growing and changing daily but for sure it is in the works. Special thank you to Charneice Fox Richardson for joining us in the parlor to discuss The MLK Streets...

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