Thursday, March 26, 2009

Strength, Love and Persistence

Greetings All!!
This is your Diva for the Day Kimberly C. Gaines and it has been a very interesting week, first my computer crashed then my cellphone was on the fritz.... whew! And through it all I got my taxes done and created this show! All in all I am grateful! I hope you enjoyed, human errors and all! :)

Don't forget this Saturday's special LIVE broadcast produced by Sophies Parlor... Saturday morning on WPFW 89.3 tune in to a special program being broadcast LIVE March 28th from 11 AM to 4 PM. The program is entitled “Yes We Do; The Many Faces of Women in Music”. There will be 3 live Music Sets and 3 Roundtable discussions. This program is a collective effort of Sophie’s Parlor and Women programmers of WPFW. This is an event you don’t want to miss!!!!

Here is the playlist for March 26th...

Love Song 2:30 Shaday Ofra Haza

Unconditional (Mad Love) 4:38 Finally Karen (Live) Karen Clark Sheard

Muita Bobeira 2:53 Duos II Luciana Souza/Romero Lubambo

Precious 4:25 Esperanza Esperanza Spalding

Sangria 3:56 Come With Me Tania Maria

I Keep/Still Here 8:45 Beautifully Human: Words And Sounds... Jill Scott

Munkaroo 4:43 Alice Russell

Nêga 4:10 Come With Me Tania Maria

Love In Time 5:47 Esperanza Esperanza Spalding

Just Like Water 6:09 M T V Unplugged 2.0 (Disc 1) Lauryn Hill

Cuerpo Y Alma (Body & Soul) 8:02 Esperanza Esperanza Spalding

Im Nin' Alu 3:32 Shaday Ofra Haza

I Get Out 5:17 MTV Unplugged 2.0 (Disc 2) Lauryn Hill

Butterfly 3:55 Corrine Bailey Rae

I See It In You 4:27 DC in the Cut Ayanna Gregory

Empires 5:08 Learning From Falling Lamya

Madalena 5:19 A Mulher Gera O Mundo DiDa Banda Feminina

Incensa 3:04 Fabiana Cozza

The Woman Who 4:45 Learning From Falling Lamya

Balance 4:34 Sara Tavares

Yellow Daisies 3:41 Fertile Ground

I Remember 3:47 MTV Unplugged 2.0 (Disc 2) Lauryn Hill

Immigrant 3:50 Lovers Rock Sade

RESPECT 2:29 Aretha Franklin


Unknown said...

We have an organization called Dark Divas Consortium. Would like to know if we could get on the grapevine announcing the next workshop we will be having. thanks Victoria

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